Här kan du läsa artiklar på engelska om äldre provningsinstrument och annan utrustning som Göran Spetz samlat i Elastocons museum under åren.

An old Relaxation tester

In the beginning of 1980, UK suggested the test method stress relaxation to ISO for measuring ageing in rubber. ISO started the work to prepare an ISO standard which got the number ISO 3384.

TR tester made by Björn Lundstedt at Fogutek in Sweden in the 50-ies

This TR-Tester was made by Björn Lundstedt at Fogutek in Sweden in the 50-ies.

Old Gehman tester manufactured by Wallace Instruments, UK.

The low temperature test called Gehman was first published in 1947.

Shore hardness tester

This is the history of a Shore hardness tester that was purchased by Viskafors Gummifabrik in the mid-forties.

Old hardness tester IRHD-N from Wallace Co

This is a hardness tester for the International Hardness Degree scale normal, IRHD-N. It was manufactured by Wallace Co in UK.

Old hardness tester IRHD-M from Wallace Co

This is an early model of a hardness tester for the International Hardness Degree scale micro, IRHD-M, manufactured by Wallace Co in UK.